David Garcia Tort

Computer engineer

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Computer engineer who holds a BSc + MSc in Computer Engineering from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

He has over seven years of experience that gives him a wide knowledge in different fields such as web and mobile development using the newest technologies, devops or project management, in addition to graphic design.

He lived in Seoul (South Korea), where he finished his Master’s studies in CS at Seoul National University, the best university in the country and one of the most prestigious in Asia.

After, he moved to Taichung (Taiwan), where he lived for four years. He had the opportunity to learn Chinese at the same time that he was working at Rhinoshield, a well-known start-up company for its quality phone cases and screen protectors around the world.

He is now living in Tokyo (Japan), where he has been working as an iOS developer and with the latest cutting-edge AI technologies. Currently working at Paidy, a pioneer and leading online payment service for online shops, which has been recently acquired by PayPal.

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer
October 2021 - Current Tokyo, Japan
Consumers API: Authentication & Authorization, Identity Management and GraphQL microservices
  • Backend API service developed in Rust and Actix, using PostgreSQL and Redis databases
  • Provide GraphQL to reduce the requests from the apps, fetching data from the microservices
  • Migrate tokens to a new standard and more secure JWT authentication using AWS Cognito
  • Integrate reCAPTCHA Enterprise into the authentication to prevent account takeovers
  • AWS ECS Infrastructure managed with Terraform and automated CI/CD using CircleCI
  • Decrease CI/CI cost decreasing Rust linting, building and testing times in CircleCI
  • Reduce new members onboarding time with the creation of a development environment with VSCode and Docker, which integrates code linting and debugging out of the box
  • Increase speed development reducing Rust building times using mold linker, incremental builds and caching dependencies with sccache
Senior Software Engineer
December 2019 - October 2021 Tokyo, Japan
PyGrade: e-learning platform to improve Python skills
  • Backend API developed with DJango, frontend developed with VueJS
  • Integrate Python runtime to the browser via WebAssembly with Pyodide
  • Kubernetes infrastructure managed with Terraform
  • Automated deployment on GKE using GitHub Actions
iLect: e-learning computing service platform for AI researchers and engineers
  • Backend API developed with Flask, frontend developed with VueJS
  • Kubernetes infrastructure cluster managed with Terraform
  • Kubernetes HPC cluster to run the server machines with CPU/GPU (CUDA) with JupyterLab
  • Automated deployment on GKE using GitHub Actions
  • Create and maintain Docker image with the latest CUDA drivers, JupyterLab and VNC
HPC: in-house high performance computing cluster
  • Manage and maintain our HPC cluster (NVIDIA DGX Stations) with Ansible
  • Manage JupyterHub server to run Jupyter Notebooks using Docker Swarm
  • Maintain JupyterHub Docker images for PyTorch, Tensorflow and related technologies
iOS Developer
November 2018 - December 2019 Tokyo, Japan
Hapilk: in-house iOS health app to encourage employees to do exercise
  • HealthKit integration for fetching health data information
  • GCD concurrent tasks using DispatchQueue and DispatchGroup
  • Dependency management using CocoaPods and Carthage
  • API integration with JTW authentication using Moya and Alamofire
  • API response using SwiftyJSON and Codable Swift protocol
  • Code styling using SwiftLint
  • Continuous Integration using CircleCI
  • Automatic deployment using Fastlane
  • Dashboard health charts using Charts framework
  • Crash analytics using Crashlytics
Logijob: SAAS recruitment platform specialized for a logistic companies
  • Backend API developed with Laravel, frontend developed with VueJS
  • Administration panel using Laravel Nova
  • Unit testing using PHPUnit and continuous integration using CircleCI
  • Automated deployment using Docker and Amazon ECS
Full Stack & DevOps Developer
September 2016 - September 2018 Taichung, Taiwan
Boltics Core: e-commerce management service with Shopify integration
  • Backend developed with Laravel
  • Project management using JIRA with Kanban
  • Continuous integration using Bitbucket Pipelines
  • Automatic deployment on Amazon EC2 with a Load Balancer
  • Servers monitoring with Amazon CloudWatch
MassFulfill: automated fulfillment app published on the Shopify App Store
  • Deploy an Ubuntu Server with NGINX on Amazon EC2
  • Team billing subscription using Laravel Spark
  • Synchronize Shopify stores information using webhooks and queues with Amazon SQS
Shipping system: in-house automated shipping system for processing orders
  • Backend API developed with Laravel, allowing processing multiple orders at the same time
  • Frontend developed with VueJS, with a clean and easy UI/UX interface with Bootstrap
Full Stack Web Developer
December 2015 - August 2016 Taichung, Taiwan
EasyBank: p2p lending platform
  • Backend API developed with NodeJS and ExpressJS
  • Implement JWT for API Authentication
  • Frontend developed with AngularJS and Bootstrap
  • Deployment with Amazon Linux Server and NGINX on Amazon EC2
  • Develop a hybrid Android & iOS app with Ionic
Web Developer & Graphic Designer
September 2014 - November 2015 Taichung, Taiwan
9CIRCLE Int: company's official website
  • Online products catalogue with Wordpress and WooCommerce
Marketing: company's official branding guidelines
  • Design business cards, advertisements, packaging, etc. with Illustrator
  • Design of the products catalogue with InDesign
  • Booth designer and planner for exhibitions held in Las Vegas and Buenos Aires
  • Sales representative in exhibitions

Exchange program in Computer Science and Engineering
September 2013 - June 2014 Seoul, South Korea
Final project: mobile web app to check the menu of the restaurants around the campus
  • User location using browser geolocation API
  • Parse menus information from the restaurants official website
  • Responsive design using jQuery Mobile
BSc + MSc in Computer Engineering
September 2009 - June 2014 Barcelona, Catalonia
Activities and societies: President of the Microsoft DotNetClub Z2 Club